Please check the attached doc above.
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Las Piñas City, Philippines 1630
Tel. No.: 632 8004373, 632 8022645
Telefax: 632 8022645
Dear pbohr.learnasyougo, we have sent your parcel by Express Parcel service.
The attachment includes the date and time of the arrival and the lists of the items you ordered. Please check them.
Thank you.
Hi, pbohr.learnasyougo
Please find attached document you requested. The attached file is your account balance and transactions history.
Margarita Vasquez
Hi, pbohr.learnasyougo
Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it
Jannie Roach
Dear Client,
We have recently sent you a number of letters to remind you that the balance of $5244.76 was overdue.
For details please check document attached to this mail
We ask again that if you have any queries or are not able to make full payment immediately, please contact us.
Deidre Wall
Deputy Director of Finance
We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $5332.97 for Invoice number #769402, but it appears to remain unpaid.
For details please check invoice attached to this mail
Fernando Nicholson
Group Managing Director
This is a reminder that your account balance of $5927.28 was overdue as of 22 April 2016. Regards,
Enclosed is a statement of account for your reference.
Please arrange payment of this account today or, if you cannot make full payment at this time, please contact us to make a payment arrangement that is mutually acceptable.
Maryellen Cooper
Chief Executive Officer
Have a nice day
The March and April invoices are outstanding, please make a payment asap. Thank you.
Darla Klein
Executive Director Marketing PPS
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