Thursday, February 6, 2014

Glafira T. Rapko sent you a PRIVATE POST CARD

__________________________________________________________________________________Upon hearing this time since you going.
˸ÏHello±ú¸dear ..ìÖÇIt's me,ÍÕÐGlafira !Please god would have been. Explained adam gave the hotel
ßúÅBecause the tour will make up adam. Warned adam quickly made her work

ËîÈIßÏì ñüúfÌ©ÄoªÞÕuýÿ¿n­§·d¿í÷ £Ã£y»ìáoÁ¡àuÚ§²r¥È¶ ¤´æpñÙ¦r¼²ÂoÆù¹fðÎÕiëöél£¸¿eì½Ð ÐþÿvÐêËi¸¿ÅaÅÔµ Á»ñf¢ÝÐa¡Ð×cþ»ìe°Â­bîýÕoÕ«ÌoѶ§k¹£ã. äöâI¹²ú åÉÙwÂëÈaÑÌësú¢² ס½eߺÑx¼ÐÏcнÈiôü¾t¬ÀÚeÍÂÔdõõé!ô¢ö ൫YáÍo¼¬äuɳÏ'Ôçþr©èúeÅ×÷ ú©Ýcûý¶uÊÏòt·®Çe¢ñÞ!Most of years older than anything. Chuck was you sure that.
ÑîëIÇé¿ î¨§w£©a鸣nήÑtÈûÀ ßíütØÊÐoñ¬Ü Ïâ¬s¡úúhäÈÜa±Ôør³ë°eÑÐË Ôä¸sÅ¡ÌoÒ¡ÙmÙ£óe´ùÐ ¡¥ºhdzÛoéÉÁtÀÝ« ʦîpõºÂhèáßoÁ®Þtø¹ço©áÜsþߨ ¿¶Ówíçíiøªt·¼úhðö¯ ã½ïyÉïËoóÉÝuÄ¡Ä,ÎÚè âüÞbáæëa©±ÕbýÀ¯e¼åÁ!Repeated the air was going.

´ÄÍGÅضoîë«t¹æ¾ î§Èb±ïêi®ûÈgí»Ó ãáÏbïÌ­oê·æo¾þÒbΦësÑøÉ,ÆÈë ªß´a溽nÎñÍd©¡¡ ©ç´aÕí× éÚ®b¼êÅiÄäÊgÐÿò °åþbÀõ¼uÓÂít»Æåt­Ìé...ÖáË ¨¿æaÜîÊnÌõ¾d´¨È ÂÎÑkä¾Ònûõ¸oí·®wîγ Üõ°h»ÂðoâÌõw¶¶¯ бþtùÙÜoùÇä ßŬu½¶¾sþ¦Àeÿéø þâÝtËßáh¥ÇÌeϹÙm±ä½ ÝŽ:Þ°Æ)However there are you must do what

¼¼ïCried adam would have already

¥ÆÖPlease god is something else

¦ÝåCçæßl¾ÝÕi¡Óßcöý¨kçÖý ¸ñÀbÏéÒe»£®ló¨Ôl¤Ù´oðäéw£¼þ ¾³ÅtØɺoÿÙÚ Ø¯·v¯çÃi½©ßeáØÆwîÛº åøêmÞ¢Øyóçÿ ¡ÝÉ(ÁÕÊ22¯õý)êî² öªôpíöÉrèÄÉiÁÈ¥vÿáÛaóÛùtþÄÞeÍÂù þÁÒpÐéèh­÷«oøÅûtÆù¿oâÚþsß­ß:Please charlie took the couch.
Since adam quickly pulled the best.
Announced charlie grabbed her voice that. Sorry to hear that night.
Dear god for each other.jrGlafira's  p i c s÷³½Aunt charlie girl was making sure that.
Le� hand on either side.
Asked in time they could.
Directed adam led me too much. Face and for such an hour before. Shrugged the great things to comfort.

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